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SPF protection protects against the damaging effects of UVB (ultraviolet) radiation, such as sunburn and skin ageing. However, it does not protect against all the harmful effects of UV rays, so it is necessary to be cautious about exposure.

What is the SPF?

It is the index that represents the level of the product’s protection. Each index corresponds to a percentage of UVB blocked. There are 4 different levels:

  • 6 to 10: low protection
  • 15 to 25: medium
  • 30 to 50: high
  • 50 and over: very high

Each skin types must find the protection that suits them.

  • Skin that tans easily: the protection phase should not be neglected, prefer a medium or low protection.
  • Light: very sensitive to UV rays, it is recommended to choose a high to very high protection.
  • Dry: the sun tends to dry the skin, choose a protection with a creamy texture to nourish your skin.
  • Oily: avoid obstructing the pores, use a protection with a fluid texture.

The consequences of UV exposure

The sun’s rays cause a high production of free radicals. These molecules eliminate defective cells in our body and help to fight viruses and bacteria. At first sight, they are not harmful, but produced in excessive quantities, they accelerate the skin’s ageing process.

As a result, with repeated exposure, the skin is no longer able to defend itself, leading to the development of imperfections, brown spots and wrinkles, etc.

In order to prevent these effects, you must be vigilant when exposed to the sun and protect your skin. Not protecting yourself can lead to burns but also to skin cancers.

Many people are resistant to using protective products because they want to be able to tan. Forget this stereotype! Even SPF 50 does not block all the effects of UV rays, so you can still get a tan.

Some tips to protect your skin from the sun

Protect yourself daily when necessary. Adapt your protection to your lifestyle. In winter, you may not need to apply SPF protection. However, if you regularly spend time outside during this season, SPF 15 may be enough. From spring however, it is necessary to be careful. For example, if you have light skin and are exposed for more than 2 hours, it is recommended that you use SPF 30 or higher.

Prepare your skin by increasing your exposure time gradually. This will allow your body to create a natural protection through the production of melanin. This pigment helps the skin to protect itself from the sun.

Protect your scars during exposure. If left unprotected, they may tan and retain a different pigmentation to your skin colour.

In case of sunburn, it is imperative to rehydrate your body. Rehydrate internally by drinking enough water. But also externally, by nourishing your skin with a rich care product.

Discover our 100% Pure Shea Butter fragrance free, thanks to its nourishing properties it will help to calm and ease sunburns. Don’t forget to put it in your travel bag! For an even more comforting sensation, discover our DIY Shea & Aloe Vera calming after-sun emulsion.

Institut Karité Paris

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