Exfoliation and Peeling, what is the difference?
Do you want a soft skin with a luminous complexion? Exfoliation is essential for this. Day after day the skin regenerates, cells die and are replaced by new ones. However, without exfoliation, the dead cells remain on the surface and the skin becomes dull.
How to get beautiful nails?
Damaged, weak, brittle nails... So many symptoms that prevent us from having beautiful long nails. Discover our tips to remedy this and get a perfect manicure.
Our cocooning routine for a winter evening
Had a rough day? Does your skin need comfort? Take the time to relax with our cocooning routine for a winter evening!
Dehydrated skin: what should you do?
Sensations of discomfort, tightness, appearance of fine lines...All signs that reflect dehydrated skin. Discover our advice and gestures to adopt to get rid of it!
Itchy skin? Our tips to get rid of it
In winter, our skin can often be weakened by the cold and the wind which has unpleasant effects. Among them is itchy skin. Discover our solutions to protect your skin and avoid skin irritation and dryness.
Chapped lips, how to repair them?
At this time of the year, with the cold, the wind or the dry air from the heating, our lips become dry or even chapped. Discover all our precious advice on how to repair chapped lips and protect them against external aggressions.
Skin beauty: habits to banish
Every day we make mistakes that damage our skin in the long-term.
Discover the habits to banish in order to have a healthy skin!